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Rad Kopriva je intervencija u cvetnim alejama na platou ispred Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije koja podrazumeva sejanje velike količine semena koprive na ovom prostoru. Video rad je dokument te intervencije.
Ovaj čin koristi datu infrastrukturu, podmetanjem neželjenog korova na mesto na kome će biti nesvesno uzgajan.
Kopriva predstavlja invazivni korov. Da bi se izlečilo zemljište zaraženo semenom koprive neophodan je period od najmanje četiri godine. List koprive je prekriven šupljim i oštrim dlakama, pri fizičkom kontaktu kroz njih se ispuštaju supstance koje kod ljudi i životinja proizvode neugodan osećaj ožarenosti, bola i crvenila na koži.
Ovaj rad sučeljava značenja: javno i skriveno, uređeno i zapušteno, zdravo i bolesno, nežno i žilavo.
Rast zasađene koprive će predstavljati ne samo simbolički, već i realni problem.
Akcijom se inicira rad čije je praćenje ponuđeno publici u datom javnom prostoru.
Nettle is a work involving an intervention in the flowerbeds on the square in front of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. It involves the dissemination of a large amount of nettle seeds in this space. The video documents the action.
The intervention takes advantage of the given infrastructure, planting unwanted weeds in a place where they will be unknowingly cultivated. Nettle represents an invasive weed. In order to cleanse soil infested with nettle seeds at least four years are required. The leaves and stems of this plant are covered with hollow and sharp hairs, which when touched release substances that produce an unpleasant rash, pain and redness in humans and animals. Nettle juxtaposes meanings: public and private, represented and supressed, ordered and unregulated, healthy and diseased, fragile and tough. The work will represent not only a symbolic, but a concrete problem.
The work initiates a process whose development is on display to the public to follow in the given public space