Copyright 2007-2022Built with Indexhibit
Rad je ralizovan u jednom beogradskom seks-šopu. U kabini za gledanje porno filmova, ubrus koji se uobičajno koristi zamenjen je ubrusom sa likom Isusa Hrista.
Izložena fotografija je dokument tog događaja.
Rad „Ubrus“ je postavljen i izveden kao platforma u okviru koje se istražuje odnos čoveka i predmeta. Ideja je da se korisnik kabine stavi u jednu neočekivanu situaciju u kojoj će imati priliku da bira da li će iskoristiti ubrus ili ne. Tada se postavlja pitanje da li je predmet sa religijskim obeležjima postao relikvija, da li i dalje zadržava svoju upotrebnu funkciju ili takav predmet stvara jednu novu perverziju.
The work was created in one of the Belgrade sex shops, more precisely, in the room for watching pornos. The napkin that is normally used here is replaced with one on witch the face of Jesus Christ is printed.
The exhibited photography is a testimony of this event.
This work should be perceived as a study of the relationship between man and objects. The main idea is that enjoyers find themselves in an un expected and quite new situation, in witch they will get to choose whether they will use napkin or not. Should we take this objects with religious images on it for a relic, or it should keep its original purpose? Or, just maybe, this object creates some fresh excitement?