Copyright 2007-2022Built with Indexhibit
Ovim radom sam želeo da provociram razmišljanje o ideji slobodne volje i mogućih prostora slobode, mimo kontrole državnog aparata i propisanih moralnih normi. Rad je realizovan na lokaciji koja je pokrivena video nadzorom. Sastoji se od video zapisa zabeleženog sigurnosnom kamerom i fotografije koja nam otkriva drugi ugao, nevidljiv objektivu kamere. U ovom „mrtvom“ prostoru, neobezbeđenom i nekontrolisanom, izvedena je akcija u kojoj je petnaestoro ljudi na neki način pokušalo da prekrši zadati etički normativ.
Markiranjem javnog prostora u kojem nema kontrole želeo sam da podvučem pitanje poverenja i straha, uslovljenosti i spontanosti, kao i dalji niz kontradiktornosti koji iz ovoga sledi. Razlog je postojanje potreba za prostorom koji služi kao „društveni ventil“ , suprotan orvelovsko-hakslijevskom distopiskom scenariju.
Otvaram pitanje da li strah od osude može izmeniti pobude ili ih on može samosputati, saterati u “zaštićen” prostor.
With this work I wanted to provoke thought on the idea of free will and possible “free spaces” freed from control of the state and proscribed moral norms.
This work was produced at a location under video surveillance – CCTV - and it has two interrelated components. One is a security camera recording and the second is a photo that reveals another angle -within the scope of CCTV but hidden from the surveillance camera.
Within this uncovered, uncontrolled and free space we shot with fifteen people trying to fill the space invisible to the camera, thus breaching the ethical norm and intention of controlling space with a camera lens.By highlighting uncontrolled public space, in the form of triangle, I wanted to emphasize trust and fear, conditionality and spontaneity, as well as other contradictions produced by two different lenses from the video and photo cameras.
The two can be also seen as different perspectives that the observer could take and it could make the observer reach two different conclusions - either that the space is free of people or that people use the space. Moreover, there is a need for space that is utilised as a Social vent, contrary to the Orvel-Haksley dystopian scenario.
By opening the question of fear ofjudgement, one can modify the needs of citizens and force them to use only “free space”