Copyright 2007-2022Built with Indexhibit


Rad "Nepoverenje" je video instalacija koja ispituje i detektuje pojedine strukture u okviru zadatog sistema. Kamera, postavljena u kancelariji broj 5 Kulturnog centra Beograda, direkno prenosi sliku u prostor galerije. Tokom tri nedelje, publika će imati priliku da nadzire funkcionisanje u okviru kancelarije koju dele Zorana Đaković Minniti, koordinatorka međunarodnih projekata i kustoskinja, Olivera Stošić Rakić, urednica literarno-tribinskog programa i Danica Jovović Prodanović, menadžerka projekata.
Zaposlenima u instituciji takođe je ponuđena mogućnost da direktan prenos, tj, medijski prostor, iskoriste kako bi publici bez posrednika, bez umetnika, ponudili sadržaje po svom ličnom izboru. Tekst, slika ili fotografija su samo neki od mogućih sredstava komunikacije. Postavljanjem ovih ili drugih predmeta ispred kamere, ujedno te predmete postavljaju i na zid galerije, na procenu publici.U procesu istraživanja funkcionisanja strukture samog kulturnog centra publika je glavni procenitelj.Iz ovako postavljenog rada dolazimo do dva dominantna polja istraživanja. Prvo polje bi moglo da se bavi detektovanjem struktura u okviru KCB-a, a drugo ispituje direktan odnos publike i sistema, kroz komunikaciju zaposlenih u samoj instituciji sa publikom.



The art work "Distrust" is a video installation examining and detecting certain structures within a given system. The camera was placed in the office number 5 within the Cultural Centre of Belgrade (CCB) and it directly transfers the image to the gallery space. While the exhibition is opened, during the three weeks, the audience will have the opportunity to supervise the functioning of the office.
Employees of the institution have also the opportunity for a direct transmission and to use the media space, in order to seize the audience without intermediaries, without artists and to offer content of their own personal choice. The text, images or photos are just some of the means of communication they could use. By placing these, or other objects, in front of the camera they are placing/exhibiting these objects on the gallery wall where video is broadcasted live. Every intervention, every move is given to the audience to access it.
In the process of exploring the functioning of the structures of the cultural center, the audience is the main assessor. From this work, we are leaded to the two dominant fields of research. The first field is engaged in detecting structures within the CCB and the second examines a direct relationship between the audience and the system, the communication between the employees in the institution and the audience.