Copyright 2007-2022Built with Indexhibit
Izložba Marka Tirnanića pod nazivom „Sve je pod kontrolom“ je umetnikovo istraživanje u kompleksnom polju pozicija pojedinca, kao i odnosa dominantnih i pasivnih učesnika u društvenim zbivanjima i članova zajednice koji su napravili izbor između akcije i odsustva akcije. Izložba u umetničkom prostoru U10 je zapravo novi rad, koji se u velikoj meri bavi iskustvom publike i njenim učešćem u stvaranju „umetničkog rada“ kao i uloge same publike u društvu.
Prostorna instalacija koja je deo ovog rada ima ulogu da se bavi stvaranjem zajedničkog, istog diskursa za sve konzumente sadržaja rada. Sve to, autor postiže stavljanem publike u podjednak, ravnopravni položaj.
Marko u svom radu inicira suprotstavljanje sistemu, ne samo njegovim lošim segmentima, već i onim za koje bismo na prvi pogled rekli da su dobri. On pred nas stavlja suprotstavljanje dominantnoj ideologiji i učestvovanje u njoj kroz pasivno delovanje. Stoga se, kako instalacija, tako i video radovi, bave publikom i umetnikom, kroz neposredno iskustvo.
Rad ukazuje i na neophodnost opredeljivanja u okviru nametnutih normi i ograničenja.
Kontrola, poniženje, samoponiženje, odnos dominantnog i pasivnog, su neke od društveno intimnih pozicija čoveka koje se mogu učitati u izložbu „Sve je pod kontrolom“.
Exhibition of Marko Tirnanić “Everything is Under Control” is the artist’s research in the complex area of positions of the individual, as well as a study of relations between dominant and passive subjects of the social processes and members of the community.
Space installation, that is one part of this work has a role to create common, joint, and same discourse and place for all “consumers” of the work. All of these effects, author creates by putting the audience in the same, equal position.
Marko, in its work, initiates confrontation to the system, not only in its bad segments, but also to these, which on first sight, we would qualify as good. He puts us in front of us conflict and opposition to the dominant ideology and participation in it, through passive attitudes and efforts. Therefore, installation, as well as the video work and other parts of this exhibition, have the focus and elaborate the audience and the artist, through their direct experience.
Work is pointing out to the necessity to make choices in the field of imposed norms and given limitations.
Control, humiliation, selfhumiliation, relations between dominant and passive are only some of the socially intimate positions of a person that could be read on the exhibition “All is Under Control”.